Due to the nature of digital products and the fact that they can't be "returned,", there a few requirements that must be met in order to qualify for a refund.
This is to protect ourselves because of those that abuse refund policies and product creators. It is also to encourage those that buy the products to give their best effort before making a decision.
If, within 30 days of purchase, you are unsatisfied, you may qualify for a refund.
In order to qualify for a full refund, you must send proof via email that you used the program with photos of yourself doing some part of the program (i.e. photos of approved meals).
We reserve the right to evaluate your request and to make a decision accordingly.
No refunds will be issued beyond 30 days of purchase.
Please send any requests to [email protected].
We appreciate your understanding the nature of online transactions and our need to protect ourselves against the unlawful use and distribution of our materials.